The Art Of Gratitude

Gratitude can take practice. I don’t mean saying “thank you”, although we need to do that. Every day we need to “count our blessings “. If you were not raised to list those things that you are grateful for, it can take time to train yourself.

We have so much and we take most of it for granted. Even in times of difficulty, there is so much to be thankful for. Often we do not express appreciation or gratitude to others or for what we have.

Such a little thing that can make someone’s day – let them know that you appreciate them, their effort, their service, their help!

Gratitude changes our focus or attitude.

It is easier to be thankful when things are going well, but how often do we do that? I take for granted life when it’s rolling along smoothly, but the car breaks down, I get sick… something happens and I forget all of the good days, the days that went well and well you know… By practicing gratefulness, listing things that I am thankful for every day, I can keep an event from ruining my whole day. I can be thankful that it doesn’t happen every day. I am more likely to let it go or put a positive twist on it.

It is a rainy winter here in the northwest and I really have to fight depression.

Every day a battle rages.

Each winter morning, I try to get ahead of the battle. Listing things and people that I am grateful for is one way that I do that. When I focus on the positive, on things that I am thankful for, I think less about the dark, the rain, the grayness everywhere. I can change what I think about.

I get up and I workout. When I focus on the things that I CAN DO to make each day better, I have a better day.

I can not stop the rain. I can not make the days longer. I cannot make the sun shine. But I can change what I focus on and being thankful for another day is a good way to start!

Great daily inspiration!

Do you need some help focusing on the positive and practicing gratitude? A journal will help. A daily guide like “A Year of Positive Thinking” pictured above is a great resource. Commit to writing down or listing at least three things each morning that you are grateful for. Recall those to your mind throughout the day. Think of positive remarks to say. Use words of affirmation. Make a list of positive comments that you can use. Remind yourself that you are a work in progress.

You are doing great.

You got this.

Today is a NEW DAY!
