
Indulgence! Decadence! What do you think of?

Over indulging?

Guilty pleasures?

Is it selfish?

Is it healthy?

Decadence is unrestrained or excessive self indulgence.

Self indulgent – indulging ones own desires, passions or whims.

Indulgence is the gratification of a desire or the act of indulging.

Occasionally indulging or being self indulgent can be a good thing. Remember this is a healthy lifestyle blog – so I am not suggesting anything illegal, dangerous or harmful to anyone.

Eating that rich, delicious, favorite dessert – go ahead. When I am on vacation, I binge read or enjoy a reading marathon; whichever terminology you prefer. Some people will watch a whole series/season of a favorite show over a weekend. I have family members that re-watch ALL of the Star Wars or Marvel movies before a new one comes out. I consider this self indulgent.

The once in awhile self indulgence can be a good, healthy thing. Often it is a recovery time, a special weekend, family time, vacation, or girls (guys) night out or weekend. Or a reminder of “why we do not eat our favorite desert too often!” (A Thanksgiving memory of indulging in a full bowl of real whipped cream comes to mind!)

BUT it is important to realize the difference between occasionally indulging, frequently being self indulgent and decadence!

The basic idea behind living a healthy life style is learning self control and practicing it daily by setting yourself up for success with good habits, like scheduled workout times and meal planning and prepping. Decadence is the direct opposite of that ideal.

I like to practice an eighty – twenty lifestyle; which means 80 percent of the time, I make healthy choices in my nutrition, activity/exercise, positive mind set, sleep habits and over all attitude and lifestyle. (mind, body, spirit is my daily focus, tying to make healthy choices each day that effect these aspects of my life.) There are weeks and even months that I succeed at a ninety percent level! Whoo – hoo! Sadly, what usually happens if I stay at that strict level too long – I fall. I don’t just fall for a day or two, but a week or four. The last time, it was over two months! Reality check.

After the falls, I wonder – what set me off? Over the past four years I have realized that if I go too long without a time of indulgence – there will be a major trip, stumble, fall, crash. It doesn’t always have to be favorite foods or deserts. It can be “me time”, pampering, extra self care, vacation, a day of reading – I need those to help keep my healthy lifestyle in check.

A word of advice for your journey, balance is key. A little bit of indulgence is a good thing, just don’t let it become over indulgence or decadence!!! One of the programs that I have done included a ‘cheat day’, which was really a cheat meal or a little indulgence. Great idea! Not a decadence day, but if you were missing your nachos or pizza – that was the day to have a serving. If you wanted desert or a glass of wine – that was the day to enjoy it. Once again, all things in moderation, balance is key. Warning: Don’t jump on the decadence wagon or every day becomes a cheat day and there goes your healthy lifestyle!

Remember, building healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle takes time. It takes work. It takes change. Just because you stumble or fall is NOT a reason to give up. You are worth it and it’s worth it to indulge, just a little bit!

What are your thoughts? Have you ever wondered why after 10 days or two weeks you fall off your diet? Or after a thirty day program within a week or two, you are right back where you started?


2 thoughts on “Indulgence

  1. Yes, indulge on occasion. I like the idea that on vacation, we should indulge in DIFFERENT things each day instead of “I’m going to eat whatever I want this whole week.” A day of reading is amazing. A day of NO COOKING is amazing. Four hours at the spa (facial, massage and pedicure anyone?) is amazing. All of this is self-indulgence, sure, but it’s also part of self-care. We need to “treat” ourselves (that was Mom’s terminology, and I like it). But if I eat cheesecake every week, is it really a “treat”? I’m thinking a little cheesecake might be in order this weekend for the girlfriend’s weekend with my high school BFF. Now that winter is waning, I will be much better equipped for a mindset that doesn’t need a constant kick out of the doldrums into positivity.

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